Lebert Fitness is a renowned manufacturer of innovative body weight fitness equipment and appropriate accessories. The aspiration of Lebert Fitness has always been to develop only products that offer the highest degree of performance, quality, and functionality with a good price-performance ratio. Fitness equipment by Lebert convinces users with its versatility, effectiveness, and practical format. Reaching out to a broad user community is characteristic of Lebert as well. That means that anyone, whether a beginner or an exceptional athlete, can work out effectively with a Lebert product.
Lebert Fitness - All categories in an overview (2)
Do an effective and varied bodyweight training with the Lebert Equalizer and Buddy system. The training, which is exclusively done with your own bodyweight, has become very popular since many years. Do a multitude of exercises with the equalizers, by which the supporting muscles are especially trained.
Upgrade your Lebert fitness equipment with the strength training accessory of Lebert Fitness. The Big Boy T-Legs make the Lebert Equalizer higher, so that it has the optimal height for taller users.
Lebert Fitness ist Anbieter hochwertiger Körpergewichts-Fitnessgeräte wie dem Lebert Equalizer. Mit diesem funktionellen Fitnessgerät lassen sich umfangreiche Körpergewichts-Übungen ausführen, die dem Functional Training zugeordnet werden. Der Lebert Equalizer wurde von Functional Training Experten Marc Lebert erfunden und eignet sich für dynamische Übungen. Typisch für das Functional Training können die Übungen mit dem Lebert Equalizer an bestimmte Trainingziele angepasst werden. Zum Beispiel können Sie bei Übungen mit dem Lebert Equalizer den Trainingswiderstand verringern, so schaffen Sie mehr Wiederholungen und trainieren die Kraftausdauer.